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Saturday, September 26, 2009

How To Create Instant Info Products

How To Create Instant Info Products

It's Easier Than You Think…

Most people who are new to the Internet, or even some who have been around for a while, believe that they can't create their own ebooks (or CD’s, videos, etc.) because they can't write.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

What I'd like to show you through this special report is that you CAN create your own ebook and other products. And you can do it fast! Even if you've never written a word in your life! (If you’re new to the field, your main challenge may be getting recognized as an expert. But creating your own products will be easy once you learn the shortcuts and tips in this ebook!)

You see, it’s all about 'perspective.' The first time you see someone riding a bicycle, you immediately say “That’s not possible” or “I can’t do that.” And, maybe you’re right to some extent. You can’t ride a bicycle yet. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t ride a bicycle ever.

You just have to get on it, stumble a few times and before you know it, you’re balancing a metal frame on two wheels! Something that seemed impossible just a few days ago.

It’s the same with writing an ebook. In fact, it’s much easier than learning how to ride a bicycle.

The trick really is to just get started. Just start writing and let you thoughts flow. Don’t worry about spelling or grammar or sentence structure or formatting or any of that. Just get the information out of you. You can edit it later. If you edit while you write, you interrupt the flow of ideas.

You can also use a tape recorder and just talk freely into it. Imagine you’re talking to a friend and you’re giving her advice about X (where “X” is the subject you want to write about.) When you’re done, you can type it all out into your computer, or get someone to transcribe it.

What people should to realize is that you don’t need to be an English major to write an ebook. Just write the way you talk to a friend. Then, have someone read it out loud and see if either of you can find any areas that sounds choppy or confusing. You can also get a college student to edit it for you, if you’re not comfortable doing your own editing. (Although, personally, I prefer to read an ebook that seems like the author is “talking to me” (it seems more interactive) instead of an ebook that uses perfect grammer, and structure but ends up being boring.

If it still seems like a daunting task to write the book, just break the ebook up into sections or chapters, and knock them out one at a time… kinda like writing short reports. (Break the task up into smaller pieces and tackle it that way.)

Anyone can write an ebook.

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