Today, with the average consumer now spending up to $20,400 for a new car, consumers realize the importance of investing in lower-priced used cars. With millions of buyers entering the used vehicle market every year, a wealth of opportunities exists for anyone who is looking for extra income, or a new and lucrative full-time career. The key to making money in this business is to buy low, and sell at a huge profit! This report will show you how to get started down your road to riches!
The goal of many people is just to make a little extra income. If you consider $1,000 to $3,500 or more for a single sale in one month to be "extra income," you could easily make that in your spare time without much effort.
On the other hand, you may be one of those people who want to be their own boss. While it's true that the risks are often greater than if you just worked for someone else, it's just as true that risks and rewards go hand in hand. If you're willing to take the plunge, the potential returns are also greater. If you have a bit of an adventuresome spirit and confidence in your ownlskils and abilities, operating your own used car business may be the ideal way for you to make big, big money!
The opportunity to express your own ideas and do things exactly as you want is among the primary advantages of operating your own business. The challenge and excitement of running your own operation also ranks high on the list. Another big advantage is that you will receive all the profits generated by your time and efforts. Then the potential exists to develop a part-time business into a full-time career that produces an income you never thought possible.
The same type of personal skills that are necessary to successfully work for someone else are also required to be successful in working for yourself. Personal skills would involve being conscientious, dedicated, determined, and persistent, in addition to possessing good human relations abilities.
There is also another type of skill that is necessary that involves the ability to manage and organize your activities, and possibly those of others if you hire car salespeople to work for you.
This skill should be taken very seriously, because it is these skills that can cause one business to be a huge success while the other is a total failure.
Lastly, you will need technical skills. These are the skills that include the knowledge to perform the activities involved in the used car business. It is this combination of technical, personal, and management skills that will make your operation successful.
Whether you are operating your business on a part-time basis, people will expect you to provide the type of service any consumer expects. They will also associate the type of service they can expect with the image you create for your business. This image will be impressions you make on others.
For example: Will people perceive you as handling high-, medium-, or low-priced vehicles? Will your used cars appeal mostly to the rich, the poor, or the middle class? Do you sell something for everyone or do you specialize? (Just pickups, just vans, etc.)
Any positive image is fine, as long as you are consistent in everything you do within the scope of that image. The image you create will largely set the tone for all your business activities, including selection of a businesss location, type of vehicles handled, prices charged, etc.
If you are going to buy one or two cars at a time for resale on a part-time basis, then working right from your home shouldnn't pose a problem for you. However, if you intend to eventually have a large, full-time business operation, the most important ingredient that can lead to success or failure can depend on your location. What constitutes a good location varies with the type of business. But in the used car business it means being highly visible in a high traffic area and being situated so that driving customers can get to you. In many cases, the location you consider ideal may not be available or if it is, the cost may not be practical. In that event, you will have to do strong advertising and promotion work to make customers aware of who you are, what you are selling, and where they can find you.
Whether you select a location at your home or in a business district, you must make certain you are operating within city and county zoning ordinances. Zoning ordinances are regulations specifying what each parcel of property within a community can be used for. If the location you decide on is not zoned for the type of business you want to start, you can appeal to the zoning commission to obtain a "zoning variance." If approved, you would be allowed to use the property for your business.
To get started in the "Buy-Low, Sell for Huge Profits" used car business, you will have to locate suppliers. In some cases you will be able to buy directly from individual car owners. At other times you will go to independent auction houses or attend U.S. Government Auction Sales where you can often purchase vehicles for pennies on the dollar.
At independent auction houses vehicle owners have auctioneers sell their vehicle by getting buyers who are at the auction house to bid against one another. Generally, there is a minimum bid set. The person who offers the highest bid over the minimum set has the winning bid. The seller however, also has the right to sell the vehicle below the minimum bid if he chooses. Incredible bargains can be found at independent auction houses.
Independent auction house sles take place throughout the U.S.A., many on a weekly schedule. For additional information of auction house locations refer to your telephone directory under "Auctions" or "Car Auctions," or write to:
National Auto Research N.A.D.A. Used Car Guide Co.
P.O. Box 758 8400 Westpark Drive
Gainesville, GA 30503 McLean, VA 22102-9985
(404) 532-4111 (703) 821-7193
(800) 554-1026 (Except Georgia) (800) 544-6232
(800) 523-3110 (In Virginia)
A wide variety of personal property either no longer needed or seized by the Federal Government is periodically placed on public sale.
The Department of Defense and the General Services Administration are the principal Government sales outlets for surplus property. As items become available for public sale, catalogs and other types of announcements are distributed to people who have expressed an interest in bidding on the types of property being offered.
Sales generally are on a competitive bid basis, with the property being sold to the highest bidder. Among the many thousands of items sold are automobiles and other vehicles of every imaginable make and model. In fact, tens of thousands of vehicles are sold by the government at public auctions throughout the country every year!
How can there be so many vehicles for sale? Because the Government is so huge that it's difficult to even comprehend just how much property is amassed for resale. In fact, the government seizes, conficates, and forecloses on property that results in many millions of pieces of property every year, and the numbers continue to grow.
Incredibly, the government isn't like a private business that is interested in making a profit on items it sells. The government is mostly interested in eliminating the enormous stockpiles of seized and surplus vehicles and other properties. As a result, many thousands of vehicles are offered to the public through government auctions at a fraction of their actual values. This is where you can buy just about any model of vehicle you want at super-huge savings, and make incredibly-high resale profits.
Both the Government Services Administration(GSA) and the Department of Defense maintain mailing lists on persons interested in seized and surplus property sales. People on these lists are sent catalogs and other sales announcements in advance of sales and are given the opportunity to inspect the vehicles and other property and submit bids.
Each GSA regional office maintains a mailing list for sales of property located in the geographical areas it serves. For general information about sales conducted by GSA, or to be placed on the mailing list, write to any of the following addresses.
The Department of Defense maintains a centralized mailing list for the sales of its property located in the United States. The Defense Surplus Bidders Control Office, Defense Logistics Services Center, Federal Center, Battle Creek, Michigan 49016, maintains this list.
GSA Customer Service Bureau GSA Customer Service Bureau
7th and D Streets, SW 1500 E. Bannister Road
Washington, DC 20407 Kansas City, MO 64131
Serves: District of Columbia, Serves: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri,
nerby Maryland & Virginia Nebraska
GSA Customer Service Bureau GSA Customer Service Bureau
Post Office & Courthouse 819 Taylor Street
Boston, MA 02109 Fort Worth, TX 76102
Serves: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusets, Serves: Arkansas, Louisiana, New
New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
GSA Customer Service Bureau GSA Customer Service Bureau
26 Federal Plaza Bldg. 41-Denver Federal Center
New York, NY 10278 Denver, CO 80225
Serves: New Jersey, New York, Puerto Serves: Colorado, Montana, North
Rico, Virgin Islands Dakota, South Dakota, Utah,
GSA Customer Service Bureau REGION 9
Nineth & Market Streets GSA Customer Service Bureau
Philadelphia, PA 19107 525 Market Street
Serves: Delaware, Pennsylvania, San Francisco, CA 94105
Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia Serves: Samoa, Arizona, California,
Guam, Hawaii, Nevada
GSA Customer Service Bureau REGION 10
230 S. Dearborn Street GSA Customer Service Bureau
Chicago, IL 60604 Auburn, WA 98002
Serves: Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Serves: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon,
Ohio, Wisconsin Washington
Whether you attend auctions or purchase a vehicle outright from a seller, you must know what it is worth. The best way to determine a vehicle's average market trade-in or wholesale value, average loan or average retail value is, is to subscribe to the N.A.D.A. Official Used Car Guide, published monthly by the National Automobile Dealer's Used Car Guid Co., 8400 Westpark Drive, McLean, VA 22102-9985. Write for current subscription rates.
N.A.D.A. also publishes guides as followss: Official Older Used Car Guide...Official Wholesale Used Car Trade-in Guide...Official Title & Registration Book...Official Recreation Vehicle Guide...Official Motorcycle/Snowmobile/ATV Personal Watercraft Appraisal Guide...Official Smaller Boat Appraisal Guide...Official Larger Boad Appraisal Guide...Official Mobile Home Appraisal Guide and the Mobile Home Appraisal System.
A weekly used car market guide is also available from: National Auto Research, P.O. Box 758, Gainesville, GA 30503. Write for current subscription rates.
The average values listed in the N.A.D.A. Official Used Car Guide are based upon reports of actual transactions by dealers and auction houses throughout each area for which a guide is published. A used car guide-book normally includes 1)Domestic Cars; 2)Imported Cars; and 3)Trucks. Manufactures' names are listed alphabetically.
City, county, state and/or federal licenses or permits are often required before entering a particular business or service operation. Often, these are issued solely as a fund-raising measure, and are therefore easy to obtain simply by submitting a fee.
On the other hand, licensing is also used as a method of regulating the competency of those entering a particular field and to protect the public from shady operators. In some cases an exam is administered, and moral and financial requirements may need to be met as well.
In the used-car business, most states require that you obtain a dealers license if you are buying and selling vehicles for the purpose of making a profit. However, you are not required to apply for a license if you only make an isolated or occasional sale. You are not considered to be in the business of selling motor vehicles in that event. "Isolated or occasional sales" in many states means "the sale, purchase, or lease of not more than five motor vehicles in a 12 month period".
Once you begin to sell more vehicles for profit than is allowed by your state law on an annual basis, you should apply for a Dealer's License by contacting your State Department of Public Safety or Department of Motor Vehicles.
Check with your attorney or other city officials to determine what licenses and permits are needed. Simply starting up a business without having the proper authorizations can result in severe penalties, and you could be forced to discontinue operations.
Many states, and some cities and counties, require that sales taxes be collected. The stated sales tax permit is available from the State Department of Revenue, City and county permits are available from the tax department in those jurisdictions.
Even though a certian amount of "red-tape" must be tolerated to obtain some licenses and permits, this is usually a one-time occurrence. Then, it's just a matter of simply submitting an annual renewal fee.
And dont forget the POWER of online auctions Ebay Motors alone transacts millions of dollars per mo in used car sales.
Most real estate salespeople will tell you without hesitation that no-one can purchase real estate without a down-payment or credit check. They will tell you that a credit check is an essential part of the process and that you better have a fistful of cash before you evxer think about buying a home. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth!
Everyday throughout America, tens of thousands of people are acquiring homes without being subjected to a credit check or spending a cent of their own money as a down payment.
The reason why real estate salespeople don't even want to consider real estate transactions that are creatively packeged and don't require cash is obvious! They receive their commissions only when there are cash transactions.
No one should deny a real estate salesperson commisssions. In many cases it is their expertise in the reaal estate field that can help a person find great buys. They know the market in their areas and deserve the commissions they earn. However, in times of high interest rates when money is tight, many are increasingly willing to be creative by allowing their commissions to be paid via a note or by deferred payment. Still, there are even better ways if you want to avoid down payments and credit checks.
The Vererans Administration(VA) and the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), a division of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) have been encouraging and promoting home ownership through their agencies for years. When people are denied a home loan by a bank or other lending institution, FHA will insure a home mortgage loan by giving the lending institution a 100% guarantee against any losses that may be incurred if the buyer does not repay the loan. Another benefit of getting a FHA loan is that the interest rates are usually lower than the standard bank rates for home mortages.
The VA will also guarantee a home loan up to 100%, which also allows a buyer to receive a home loan through a bank or other lender. A credit check is required on the "original" buyer of the home, but here's the loophole!
While it is true that from March 11988 onward, all asumbble VA loans require credit approval, the good news is that these changes in credit check approval only apply to those loans that were made "after March, 1988," ALL VA LOANS MADE BEFORE MARCH 1988 ARE STILL ASSUMABLE BY ANYONE REGARDLESS OF THEIR CREDIT!
GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION - Scoring systems are adjusted for differences
in geographic locations,. For example, home owndership may not score high
in an area where there is a high incidence of credit problems, reoccurring
employee/employer differences, low income, etc.
EMPLOYMENT - The longer you have been on a job the better.
OCCUPATION - Occupationss can be divided into many categories with
a high to low score within each category for different occupations.
AGE - Older is not considered better until you pass age 40. Under 25 to
the end of your 30's receive the lowest scores. The rational is that people
under 25 haven't proven they are a good credit risk. People in their 30's are
still raising a family, buying a home, and tied down with emormous expenses.
This is also the time most people declare bankruptcy
INCOME - The higher your income the more points you will receive.
TELEPHONE - Having a telephone is an indication of stability. Give
yourself more points.
AGE OF AUTOMOBILE - No auto is a low score, but the newer the vehicle
the higher the score.
DEPENDENTS - One to three indicates responsibility and stability. After
three, points drop rapidly.
CITIZENSHIP STATUS - Non-citizens receive negative points.
BANK ACCOUNTS - You receive high points if you have a checking and
savings account.
will earn you more points.
CREDIT CARDS - The more major credit cards you have the better.
BANK LOANS - A current bank loan will increase your score.
FINANCE COMPANY LOANS - You will receive negative points for each
finance company loan.
Credit checks are requested by banks, lenders, and other creditors to see if there are negative items in your file. The more negative items you have, the less your chances of credit will be. As we have seen, creditors look for stability and reliability in an applicant. A steady source of income will receive a high score, but even more important than an income amount is a creditor's belief and perception that you are both willing and able to pay back a debt.
In other words, even if you fail to pass certain criteria or formulas, your application can still be approved on another level that will get you the credit you want no matter what a scoring system profile says.
Motivated sellers are the best kind to deal with, because they will want to help themselves by helping you. Lack of money or credit shouldn't be your primary concern when purchasing a home. Creative negotiating and positive thinking will get you what you want.
Creative negotiating can lead to financing arrangements that benefit both the buyer and the seller. There must be a willingness, however, by both the buyer and seller to give and take, before the most favorable environment for a creative financing situation can be created. For example, if you want to purchase your dream home with nothing down, you might consider paying a little more.
On the other hand, if you are investing money out or your pocket on a down payment, then the sale price and terms should be favorable to you. A smart, yet flexible home buyer can often afford to pay a premium price provided it's not too far out of line with the market value, and he can get attractive terms and no down payment.
Many sellers want a steady income and don't need front money in the form of a down payment. Most buyers never consider asking a seller what they want! If you can guarantee a nice monthly income to someone who prefers a steady check, you can have yourself a nothing-down deal. Find out what the seller really wants!
Sometimes you will require super negotiating skills if you decide to buy a home without using your own money. After you have found your dream home, you and the seller will have to sit down and negotiate a final agreement. The following three rules should be followed to enable you to ge the best possible deal:
1) Get the selling price as low as possible.
2) Negotiate a very low down payment, or no down payment agreement.
3) Be aware of all the methods available to you in buying real estate
whereby you would pay some cash, or no cash up front.
The first five of the following options involve some cash up front, the remaining seven do not. At the top of the list the buyer buys out the sellers full equity. At the bottom of the list the buyer pays nothing down and doesn't secure the debt. Somewhere in-between you should be able to agree on a compromise that benefits both parties involved.
1) Cash to existing mortage
2) Cash to down and refinancing
3) Cash down with seller taking bacy the contract, second mortage,
4) Some cash plus equity in other property
5) Cash plus mortgage on other property
6) No cash but equity in other property
7) No cash, equity plus mortgage on purchased property
8) No cash, equity plus mortgage on othe property
9) No cash, moortgage on purchased property
10) No cash, mortgage on other property
11) No cash, wrap-around where seller carries paper with or
without a promissory note.
12) No cash, unsecured note for complete equity
Always think in terms of 1) Low Interest; 2) Low Monthly Payments; and 3) Long-Term Payoffs as you develop home buying transactions. Make a transaction benefit you by negotiating hard all the way. Decide ahead of time what your "No-Deal"! cut-off point is. Be prepared to walk away from any deal that goes beyond your low-interest and low-payment cut-off. And remember, the longer the payback terms the better off you will be. High interest rates, high payments, and short-term payoffs can destroy a fledgling financial situation.
It only requires a simple search to find great real estate buys that require no down payments or credit checks. You can start your search by picking up newspapers in and around the area you are interested in. Then carefully review the classified real estate ads and begin contacting both home owners and real estate agents. Don't be afraid to call agents! They might provide the lead that leads you to your dream home. Keep a list of your contacts and note the results. Make a minimum of 3-4 contacts every day. You will know who the really motivated sellers are through conversation. Then, if you are interested, take advantage of the situation and follow through.
Obtaining an option to purchase real estate can make you some fast and easy profits. When it comes to real estate, options favor a buyer over the seller 10 to 1!
Here's how an option to buy can make you huge amounts of money:
To begin with, find a piece of property that is priced to sell at under market value. Let's say that the property you decide on is priced at $99,000 but the actual market value is $125,000. And remember, these kinds of bargains are available everywhere! Your next step is to tie up the property with an option, which may or may not require a modest options fee.
Let's say that the property increases in value by only 10% during the period of time you hold your option, which in many parts of the country might be a very modest increase. Now you would have an option to buy property that is now worth $137,500, still for $99,000. Now you have and incredible opportuunity to make a $38,500 profit!
Options are favorable to the buyer over the seller because at the end of the option period, the potential buyer can exercise his option if conditions are favorable and make a tremendous profit from the transaction. On the other hand, he can also walk away from the deal if conditions appear unfavorable.
Contingency clauses can give you many advantages when you are ready to make a deal. Contingency clauses can stack real estate agreements in your favor. What you are doing in effect, is specifying certain conditions that allow a contract agreement to be valid.
Basically, there are two reasons for using contingency clauses:
1) The contingency clause is of great importance to the deal; and
2) You simply want more time and are using a contingency clause
to get it.
Some of the typical reasons for these clauses include statements such as:
1) Contingent on buyer arranging suitable financing; 2) Contingent on buyer selling his property before the deal is valid; 3) Contingent on appraisal; 4) Contingent on the buyer's accountant or attorney inspecting all records; or, 5) Contingent on the seller agreeing to your specific terms, etc.
If the seller absolutely demands all or part of the down payment in cash, don't exclude the possibility of agreeing on a "Delayed Down Payment." This tactical move should at least be considered, especially if you have already lined up a buyer for a fast resale
The same person you are buying property from may also act as your lender. Today, sellers are lending money to buyers in almost half of real estate transactions. The borrowed equity is secuured by either a personal note, or a second or third mortgage. This method amounts to lending money to the buying party.
When you are ready to purchase your dream home, think in terms of non-cash ways to obtain it. First and second notes can easily serve as the equivalent of cash money. The advantage of using notes in place of money is that you receive 100% of the value of the note. If you wanted to convert a note to cash by selling the note, chances are you would have to accept a discount price on it. This discount could range anywhere from 10% to 30%, depending on the time left on the note, interest, and the history of payments. When buying real estate, it is wise to substitute notes for cash. In this way you can receive 100% value for your paper.
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