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Saturday, January 13, 2007


by Tycoon2k Webmaster

Starting and operating a successful Dating and Escort Service can bring in $60,000 or more per year for the sharp, aggressive, imaginative business person. The secret to success with a business of this kind is advertising that presents your services with a "show business" flair - while still maintaining good taste.

Most successful Escort Services are natural expansions of businesses begun originally as Introduction and Dating Services.

To get started, you need an impressive looking application form. Research into a number of successful operations seems to indicate that a four-page application works well.

This should be typeset with an attractive letterhead or company masthead on 11 by 17 inch paper, folded in half to give the impression of a "personnel file." Your best paper colors are either pale blue or ivory. The better paper stock you can afford, the more impressive your application will be - giving a greater aura of credibility to your business, and thus to prospective clients.

In addition to the usual questions such as name, address, telephone number, marital status, place of employment, hobbies, likes and dislikes, your application should contain:

**** A short personality test which can be obtained with a bit of research at your
public library. For ideas, samples, and even tests you can use intact, be sure
to check some of the modern women's magazines. And don't discount the
idea of registering at an already established business of this type; or possibly
you can see their application form without actually involving yourself any
further. Or inquire among friends and acquaintances who have registered
with a dating or escort service.

**** Near the end of the application, you should include a short paragraph
pointing up the fact that your organization, in addition to bringing people
together as a dating service, also provides an escort service for out-of-town
visitors and local non-members. You then pose the question: "Would you
be interested in these kinds of dates, which would include all expenses, and
a minimum fee of $25 for what usually amounts to a very delightful time
with an interesting person. Your only obligation ever is to be your usual
charming self, and enjoy."

**** Just before or above the blank for your applicant's signature, include a legal
disclaimer to any responsibilities or promises implied and/or not specifically
stated within the application.

The building in which you locate: For this one, you'll need a store-front office, and it should be in a better part of the business district in your city. Try to select a site that is
upbeat and attractive without being "jivey" - one that would appeal to the more conservative or mature as well as the younger generation. Many of your clients are going to be mature, and be reminded, the mature, intelligent sector of our society is "getting younger" and more vigorous, "still interested in life" more than in years past. In other words, the section where you locate should reflect a modern attitude, but with solid values.

The reception area of your office should be large and comfortable, with as expensive a look as you can manage. Your receptionist is very important - very. She should be attractive, with a vivacious and outgoing personality. She should be able to quickly put your prospective clients at ease, and generally make them feel that belonging to your group is going to be the beginning of happier times, fun, and lasting friendships.

You should have at least two expensive looking picture scrapbooks on the coffee table in your reception room. These you can fill with portrait or candid shots of your members and clients. These pictures can pose a problem for you while you are in the beginning stages - so don't hesitate to gather pictures of various relatives, friends who are not necessarily located in your area - or even visit a nearby campus and ask if you can take
pictures of some of their best looking men and women. You will need to get a release signed by each one, and you simply explain that you are putting together a picture display book of terrific looking people in the area for the promotion of your business, and their names and any other information will not be publicized or released.

After your prospective client has filled out the application, the next step is a personal interview. Your office should be cozy and comfortable, but business-like, and you should arrange for uninterrupted time in complete privacy with each person.

You should use the interview to go over the application, answer any questions, and close the membership sale. You also use this interview as the basis of your estimate of the kind of person most likely to match this client. Be empathetic with your clients; you are going to meet people who are tired of the "dating game" as it is usually played out in singles bars and unproductive groups they had joined before. You might get added help in the area of interviewing by writing for advertising material and brochures from similar services in other areas, adapting any techniques you like to your own interviewing process.

Most escort services we looked into publish a monthly newsletter with tidbits of information and gossip about members. Who's doing what; job changing; who's travelling where; plus a listing of upcoming events and activities. Listing the names of new members is also a good idea, and quotes from members who are active and enjoying the service. Some of these newsletters feature "girl and guy of the month," with lots of pictures - "on
the town," involved in hobbies at home, and candid shots in everyday life. Usually, the escort service itself will sponsor an "all membership" party about once every three months to introduce other members and project a sense of "family" and belonging.

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